Planning officials had recommended refusal, as being contrary to several policies of the West Dunbartonshire Local Plan and the proposed Local Development Plan.
- The wind farm would be unacceptable due to its detrimental impact on the Kilpatrick Hills Regional Scenic Area/Local Landscape Area.
- The wind farm would be unacceptable due to its detrimental impact on Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park and the Loch Lomond National Scenic Area.
- The proposed wind farm would conflict with aviation safeguarding criteria which could endanger aviation safety.
Opposition speakers were Stuart Mearns for the National Park, James Fraser for the Friends of Loch Lomond and the Trossachs, Chris Ellen for local residents and Sue Glover read an objection from Sally Page who was on holiday. For the proposals were Mr Nicolson of Bellsmyre Community Trust and the applicant Steve Mackin. Willie Roxburgh spoke to correct figures re Kilmaronock Community Council surveys erroneously quoted in the Planning Report.
Cllr Agnew proposed refusal, seconded by Provost Douglas McAllister. Cllr Jonathan McColl made an amendment proposing acceptance and was seconded by Chairman Cllr. Lawrence O’Neill. All was down to the casting vote from Cllr. Gail Casey, fortunately she was quite clear in her mind that the application should be refused.