It’s that time of the year again, and we hope that many of our members will show their support by turning out to join us for the AGM at 7.30 on Tuesday 18th November in Trinity Church Hall Roman Road Duntocher. After the meeting there will be refreshments, and then Alan Williamson of the Forward Planning Department of the West Dunbartonshire Council will give a talk on the environmental aspects of the Local Development Plan with regards to the Kilpatrick Hills. There will be an. opportunity for questions. The LDP is currently in final stages of examination by Scottish government reporters who should be making their report in January. (see articles below).
Clydebelt is looking for more Committee members to actively support our work. Please consider joining us – you will be made very welcome! Meetings are held every two months.
Only about half our ‘members’ have responded to the request for a renewal of membership fee of £5 per household, agreed at last year’s AGM. If you want to continue your support for Clydebelt get in touch now or you will be removed from our revised list.