We continue to try and keep our membership list up to date. If you are not able to come to the AGM on Tuesday, then please get in touch by email or phone, and let us know, to indicate your continued interest. (contact with the menu item above).
Clydebelt members who have subscribed to emails get more news than go onto this site about good and bad things around the Kilpatrick Hills .
We continue to try and keep our membership list up to date. If you are not able to come to the AGM on Tuesday, then please get in touch by email or phone, and let us know, to indicate your continued interest. (contact with the menu item above).
Clydebelt is now seeking a new Secretary to take on the campaigning role that Sam Gibson has done so well for the past fifteen years. He will be stepping down in November, and so if you think that you – or someone you know – would like to take on this role (with lots of support from the Chairman, other elected officers and the Committee) – then please do come forward! We are not confident about how the organisation can continue without this pivotal role being in place.
Clydebelt is also looking for more Committee members to actively support our work. Please consider joining us – you will be made very welcome! Meetings are held every two months, on a Tuesday evening. Note --- Due to closure of the road through Duntocher access from the A82 can only be made from the Kilbowie Roundabout and first left into Milton Douglas/Roman Road.
Old Street in Duntocher is also closed and access has to be from Hardgate Roundabout and Kilbowie Road to Milton Douglas/Roman Road or park in Dumbarton Road Duntocher and walk across into Roman Road. Scottish Canals are about to submit their plans (Masterplan!) for major development around Bowling Basin. This follows on from the public charrettes held last year. As was expected this will include housing development on both sides of the canal, new roads and a new bridge east of the top lock. It will impact significantly on both villages - e.g. the two-lane access bridge connecting single-lane access roads either side of the canal suggests there will be another access road built at some point.
Bowling Community Council has details and a survey on this website www.bowlingsurvey.org.uk The plans will affect residents in both villages as well as the enjoyment of the many who walk and cycle along the canal. Please take a minute or two to look at the proposals and do the survey. http://www.bowlingbasin.com/news-events/bowling-basin-masterplan/ Over the past two years, the number of walkers and cyclists in the Kilpatrick Hills has increased. At weekends and on fine days the narrow access road at the bottom, which leads past the gas governor station and up to the Rosie Road, was often lined on both sides with cars. This was causing concern on the part of the farmers and other residents who live up in the hills; at times there was barely enough space for farm machinery to get through. Emergency vehicles could also have had a problem getting through. There are approximately fifteen separate dwellings - including a farm - accessed from that small road.
The Council agreed to put barriers up each side of the lane to discourage people from parking there, in order to keep the lane free for local traffic and emergency traffic. At the same time as the barriers were put up, signs were put up directing walkers to park their cars up near the O.K. Bowling Club. Admittedly it's not an immediately obvious route there, but signs have been put up directing cars to this parking area. (the signs read ‘P’ Kilpatrick Hills’). Drive up Mount Pleasant Drive, and once at the top turn left over a small bridge that takes you towards the Bowling Club. Parking spaces can be found on the grass there, with additional parking, some 50 m. further along on the left - there is a fair amount of space. Some people are ignoring the barriers but on the whole there has been a marked improvement, and reduction of the traffic problem at the bottom of the road to the Hills. So next time you are in the area, you’ll spot the signs leading to the new parking area. On a clear day, it is a beautiful walk. There is a steady climb up to the top of the Braes, which is steep for one or two short sections only. The views open up more and more as you get higher up: down the Clyde as it widens towards the Firth, and also back and across over Glasgow. Once at the top, there are miles of tracks and paths, and various lochs. A good walk from the Dumbarton end is up through Overtoun to the Crags, on to the Black Linn through the new forestry path, now much improved, to the west end of Loch, Humphrey and then down the Braes - much easier than going up! You can then get a train back to Dumbarton from Old Kilpatrick. Forest Enterprise are hoping, in a long term plan, to find a parking solution that is closer to the Kilpatrick Braes so that visitors have easier access to the hills and reduce the impact on residents. E.P. The well-known landmark, the Water Tower and Treatment Works at the top of Cochno Road, is no more. It was the meeting place and starting point for many walkers heading for Greenside Reservoir, Duncolm and beyond.
Our attempt to save the mosaic coat of arms for the Clydebank and District Water Trust was in vain; the agents for the developers saying it was no longer there or vandalised. Why did Scottish Water not try to have it removed for posterity when they sold the building for demolition? Does no one care about such things anymore? Despite the information from the agents, it can be seen on the following. http://www.karenbrodiephotography.co.uk/p190575133 http://www.28dayslater.co.uk/cochno-waterworks-12-06-12.t71860 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PFW4CH7CLU Water purification is now all done at the Burncrooks Treatment Works: the lochs and reservoirs being all interconnected by pump or gravity feeds. Water flows back to Cochno where there are still underground tanks for distribution to most of Clydebank. Planning permission has been granted for a 75 bed nursing home on the site and an application for 11 houses is pending a decision. The AGM of Clydebelt will be held in Trinity Church Hall, Roman Road, Duntocher at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 17th November 2015
This news/blog site continues from an earlier one at: ![]()
June 2017
Pop-up image of road map produced from the Ordnance Survey Get-a-map service. Image reproduced with kind permission of Ordnance Survey.