Read more for a letter from Clydebelt sent on 19th June 2012.
Ms Joyce WhiteFCMA, Chief Executive 19th June 2012
West Dunbartonshire Council.
Council Offices. Garshake Road
Dumbarton G82 3PU
Dear Joyce White,
Sheephill Quarry
Since the planning approvals of 2005, Clydebelt have been concerned about the future of Sheep Hill with its Scheduled Iron Age Fort, adjoining Site of Interest to Nature Conservation (S.I.NC.) and the woodland covered by a Tree Protection Order (T.P.O.) and is in an area classified as a Regional Scenic Area (R.S.A)
The current Dunbartonshire Local Plan and the emerging Local Development Plan recognise the landscape value of the south west facing slopes of the Kilpatrick Hills especially as seen from the Clyde Valley and Renfrewshire. These plans also reflect the Scottish Government’s commitment to the European Landscape Convention which includes ‘raising public awareness of landscape issues’ and that ‘the concept of landscape is fundamentally about the connections between people and place’!
We find that the majority of residents are not aware of the impending removal of Sheep Hill and shocked to know that, despite all these apparent restrictions, we could be losing a scheduled ancient monument and be left with a gaping hole in the hillside giving views into an enormous working quarry.
Accordingly we would like to express our support for the North Bank Environmental Group’s campaign to save Sheephill Fort and even more important Sheep Hill itself from quarrying and removal from the Kilpatricks’ hillside immediately above the Clyde.
Yours sincerely,
Sam Gibson